By the end of the project, each Nepalese partners will:
1. Have a master’s degree education in health information systems. The Academic Council of KU has already given consent to launch the program whereas it is included in the meeting agendas of the next
Academic Council of PU. Moreover, MoH is also supportive of this program.
2. Have their educational material on an open, eLearning platform, such that courses can be offered online or in a blended mode. The course material developed will be digital and freely accessible for other
Nepalese universities to adapt or for self-studies.
3. Have course modules for educating specialists with scientific knowledge and practical experience in
developing health information systems.
4. Have a sufficient # staff with PhD. Target: 4 more staff with PhD in each university. Lecturers with PhDs constitute a necessity for the sustained operation of the programmes, hence the project will educate eight lecturers to PhD and enroll them into an international network of researchers in the area.
5. Attract competent students, including female students and students from disadvantaged groups, if
qualified applicants are found. Nepal is the 5th poorest country in Asia (according to IMF), thus NEEM addresses a disadvantaged country in the region.
6. Graduate 90% of the students within 3 years after admission. For the last three decades, This can be
counted and calculated. However, the proportion will be known only one year after project completion.
7. Have labs with operational software and information systems needed for teaching, thesis work, in-service training for the MoH and external projects. The labs will include technical infrastructures for
developing, testing and demonstrating Interoperability for exchanging health data between different
platforms like DHIS2 and OpenMRS/EHR, and for configuration and development of health apps.
8. Cooperate with external organizations through the lab. Both the master and the PhD-students will carry out their empirical studies in their home countries, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, NGOs or private companies.
9. Be connected to an international, academic network.